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help :{

Hi, I think I've fixed it on the browser version now. Tell me if it works when you'll play again, thank you for reporting this bug!

This was on the windows downloaded version sorry for not specifying

fixed also on windows download file

Bruh got softlocked due to teleportation now i cant move and have to start all over again 

Hi, I'll try to fix that, can you please tell me in which teleport you where and in which part of the game (dungeon/magic lab/wind tower?) and which quest? 


Failed to load


on the Lilith scene on the cave

Hi, I think I've fixed it on the browser version now. Tell me if it works when you'll play again, thank you for reporting this bug!

The rabbits quest in the current version is bugged. After catch 5 of them, none appear.

BTW, I think catching 12 of them is too drag on for such a minor quest.

Hi Kuruni, on the next update the plan is to catch really less rabbits, I've forgot to change it on this 1.3.0 version. It'll be like 4 or 5 rabbits on the next update :)

I’ve known this project for over a year, it’s a great game and even though it’s been idle for a while I’m still waiting for updates.

Thank you for your patience ;)

cant play the game as this is all it shows 😶💀

Hi... this bug is really new. It's the first time I see something like that. Can I ask you if you're playing on browser or downloadable version (win/mac?) and the choices that you have done at the beginning of the game (skipped something?), I'll try to recreate the same conditions. 

(1 edit)

I'm on android 14, using joiplay to emulate the windows version of the game.

I can't continue the story, in the end of the dungeons i have the message 

"Failed to load 


Hi, I think I've fixed it on the browser version now. Tell me if it works when you'll play again, thank you for reporting this bug!

the problem is on windows version

Nope(!): the new art is someting i need to warm up to, a stark shift from the old art, whoms artist left this project.... I'll stay away from this title untill all art has been changed! Because, the old art (i love) now feels like bait, compared to the new art (it feels just different...), which will be the main dish of the game. Don't get me wrong i'm glad we have art, and an artist that will stay with the project. But the old art will cause confusion! And i dunno how i feel about this change, granted, it is inevitable.


Hi, I'm sorry for that. I hope with the next version to change all the old art (except the facial expressions in the dialogues). I like both the old and the new art but I really need an artist that can support this project for a long journey and now I'm sure about her ;). See you soon MuhGuy, maybe at the next updated :)

The story and CGs are great but i cannot for the life of me find that elf

(4 edits)

not bad, but combat system feels silly and too easy. Aslo gear is very expensive and just not needed.

Game still have a lot bugs like wall gaps, but I belive in you, you can fix em all.

Waiting for more content! (^^)

(1 edit)

I like too easy.....maybe play a soul game if u like hard sh1t


Hi, i just wanted to say its an amazing game till now and want to ask when the next update is going to be released? (also very good artwork and gameplay)

How do i get rid of the vampire in the library???

Will there be impreg?


I think the rabbit mission is bugged i hand it in then i cant move or do anything just stuck and music plays 

Love the art. Will this ever come to steam near final release?


Hi, I planned to finish it all. I'm late now cause I'm waiting for the new set of images to be completed, the artist is ill so I'm still waiting... Maybe before the end of the month I'll finally publish the new update

Oh no no. I don't mean to rush. I was just curious if the game will ever be sold on Steam. I'm happy you were able to find a new artist and wish you all the best!


When finished I think it'll be avaiable here in Itch. Right now I didn't considered Steam an option cause I first want to finish the game, but it's a good idea, maybe in the future :-)

Where is the Wind Tower? I accidentally skipped the dialogue where Mei said it was and theres absolutely nothing in game to tell you.


You need to use the portstone (green square in the magic lab on the right) to fast travel to the wind tower

OOHHHH!!! voltou, hehe vou me divertir com essa nova atualização, simbora!!!

the mac version can't be opened :(

Hi, you can download it but you can't open it? When you try to start the game it doesn't give you any kind of error on a black screen? 


I've experienced the same for this and most other RPG Maker games I've downloaded.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm stuck in the vampire I can't find something to kill it or something


Hi, I apologize, I'm late. for the vampire the two floors are connected... it's a classic push puzzle with the link to another level... the solution is among all the crates you see. If you need more help you can send me a private message. 


yea I figured it out.. thanks for replying though

when I attempt to run the online version hereabove on my Linux Manjaro with Firefox, the game respons with "this operation is not secure".

Hi, I searched online and it seems a problem that occurs only with the firefox browser. 

Have you tried with a different browser to see if it's different? 

(1 edit)

No, I haven't. I downloaded the game instead. That one runs perfectly.

I just have 2 things that I need a bit of help with.

1) I can't find Mei's shop, and previously I couldn't find Kyle (I don't recall who he is, actually),

2) I have the quest to explore the East side of the river, but when I cross the bridge, and then try to go down the path, it says: "Now is not the right time."

(1 edit)

Hi Arikania, Mei's shop is in the town, between the public springs and the central square, (SPOILER ALERT) Kyle is in the mine, on the left (if you don't remember some details you can check the quest journal inside the menu). For the quest when you have to explore the East side, I think you are in the early part of the game, so, if it's the quest that you talk with the old lady and look for the cat you don't have to go across the river, you have to search right there in the map in the forest.

I did the cat quest already. Then I spoke with the queen, and I told her that I would check the East side of the river in search for the mysterious lady. Then I received access to the rundown house in the South West of the town, and I slept there. So I suppose that now it's time to go across the river?

Hi, this was difficult but maybe I solved it. Can I ask you if you have done all the 7 mini-quest: 1 wood , 2 slime , 3 bunny, 4 cat, 5 Inn (meals), 

6 Balcksmith, 7 farm.

If I'm correct you skipped the slime quest and there was a wrong counter in the queen character that let you pass anyway without complete all the 7 tasks. 

I can't find a lab under the magic shop. I found the stairs but i can't go inside.Why?

Hi, for helping I need more information. you need to go to the lab because you finished in the dungeon? you didn't use the port stone in the dungeon?

please send me a private message so I can help.


So ya no new updates so it means to i quit trying see if there a new update i quit playing the from here on out I'm tired of on someone saying something they can't back up when they say it. I don't care what people think about this post cuz I'm not coming back to read reply just saying what on my mind 🫤


Do you not know how big an artist change is for a game?

Dev was lucky that it happened so early on into the game. 

Dev didn't promise something they couldn't deliver. The closest thing they said to a promise would be "now we are again on the project, before the holiday there'll be surely a new part".  And the closest international holiday isn't for another 3+ months.


Thank you Keko-loli, the 1.2.1 version will be avaiable pretty soon.

Unfortunately there will be again all the old art style, I'm in contact with the artist and the new stuff is already commissioned but I'm waiting in line my turn for the drawings... she's pretty busy but I think it means she does a good job with her art...

I commissioned half of all the images in the game (I can't economically afford a total restyle in one commission so it will be in steps).

(1 edit)

Hi Neko, I'm sorry to hear that. the new 1.2.1 version is now published on the Patreon page (they are only a few but they deserve to an early access). On this Saturday/Sunday the new version will be released to the public for download and for browser. I apologize for the long delay. Thank you for your support in the early stages of the game!

yoo! Hope this gives a new fresh start to this project! Best of Luck, can't wait to see the progress :3

This games is pretty good, can't wait for more content, but if I understand correctly there's quite a few thing delaying but it's fine, patience is the key after all.

Feedbacks wise, the game is pretty nice, tho it could use a bit more interaction (mostly with npc's) even if it's just them saying a little thing. Also, the bunny quest is kind of annoying to deal with since bunnies are fast, can go through bushes and trees etc, and you need 12 of them.

I also have a bug to report. When I did the well quest, I saved and choosed the "flee" option. Then I came back to the house, and the house scene replayed from the beginning.

Wish you good luck for the rest of the development.


Hi Tezereth!

Thank you for playing! there was numerous issues that delayed the game. Now we are on the spot again. really soon there'll be the new story update and right next the art update because the artist changed (don't worry, I really bet on the art parts, there'll be really good!). the Npc in the city will be interactive with the next update (thank you for the tip, just done 10 minutes ago) and the bunnies surely are annoyng, I think they'll be less next time... For the well part I think I corrected it for the next update but in this version is still broken. Thank you again for your comment.

not dead right?

Not dead at all... We had a lot of issues but now we are again on the project, before the holiday there'll be surely a new part!

i'm on mac, it just returns this error:

"Failed to load


(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! Thank you for the report and I apologize for my delay in the answer.

This error refers to the splash0 image (it's the first image the game load) I'll check if there is something missing with the Mac version but I'm pretty sure it was all ok. 

I'll update you soon!

EDIT: on the old version the image: "splash0" was buggy. on the 1.2.1 version I think it's working.

If someone with Mac can confirm...?


Is there any way you can change the hotkey settings? If not will it be implemented in the future?


Actually no, but I'll take a look on it and if it's possible on a simple way I'll implement it. Thank you


Thank YOU for looking into it.


well it me again i like this game i like how you can play has girl it fun but it sad how they just left this game stop trying  make it but if  they did not leave this and still making i want the person who is making this game comment down blow 


Hi Neko craig, I know we are really late with the updated. Currently there are 2 problems: internet access with pc (the technicians are working on the fiber lines so the pc is down) and change of artist, who was drawing for the project can't anymore so now we hired another person but we are restyling all to fit the new art style. We are not dead, only a lot begind the schedule 

Deleted 2 years ago

I'm assuming you're going to redo the art plus the update

That's a relief. I was dissapointed when I saw the last release was in early 2022, as I really enjoyed the game. I'll be looking forward to the next update whenever that may be!


Where do I find the cat after it disapeers the first time?


is there pregnancy?


DL via not possible :(

i love this game it needs to come out plue cat quest bug out and it fun it make me want to play it more but i wish it had moving scene but cant wait to play full come man



I was just going to bring it up, if it mentions a memory error when you try to open the brower version, it wants access to cookies. it's not complicated, but I know people will have that problem


Is this game dead? its a great game and that would be a shame


Hi! Absolutely not!

I'm having some trouble moving out to my new house and right now I haven't a good internet line yet... I'm a bit stuck without it. I'm working a bit offline and I'm almost ready for a new version (February/March). I hope to speed up a bit with the techs working on the line... I apologize for that... It's frustrating! -.-


hey just wondering is the new version still on track for march?

no rush tho this is great it would be a shame to see it go bad because you rushed, not saying it will by i can fear lol


okay, for the most part, seems like a solid game. but...not everyone's gonna be into certain scenes. I, for example, stopped playing once the mining quest scene started. Not that there's anything wrong with the scene itself, it's just...that specific variety of content isn't for everyone.


Hi, I see your point and I agree, I'm sorry that the game didn't fit your taste.

there'll be a variety of scenes going on in the game updates so maybe there'll be some parts more for you.

thank you in any case for playing a bit and for your comment!


of course, and hey, honestly, i think the option to hide certain scenes, like maybe a kink selection screen, might go a long way, just a small suggestion.

I get the following error when I try to play this game, almost immediately at the start;

Failed to load


and then it doesn't let me proceed.

Hi, that's strange, recently I didn't upload anything.

Can you try to refresh all the page or close and reopen the browser?

That's a failing error for the gate1 picture. That's in the first map but I tried and it's all ok.

this has so so so much potencial. I really love the charakter designe and the art.

Hope the next version will be a bit longer tho.

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